Profiles of Current Candidates You will find selected profiles of candidates currently in our database. They have been pre-screened and interviewed and are open to positive career moves. Check
this page often, as it is updated regularly.
To complete a request for more detail, click the title. Then fill in your contact information and click the Submit Request button at
the bottom of the page. We'll contact you regarding the candidate selected, as well as others with similar profiles.
The candidates here have given Sanford Rose Associates their permission to summarize their profiles for this web site.
$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "sraclbur", "12steve24");
$mySQL = "SELECT * FROM CandidPro order by Title";
$results = mysql_query($mySQL);
$results1= mysql_query($mySQL);
if ($countres > 1) {
print "Current Candidate Profiles";
elseif ($countres <= 1) {
print "There are currently no Candidate Profiles available on-line.";
while ($myrow=mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
printf ("%s\n", "../../Contact/Client_Request/client_request.php", $myrow[ID], $myrow[Title]);?>
$DescrPrint = stripslashes($myrow[Description]);
print "$DescrPrint";
ID Number:
print "$myrow[Number]"; ?>